{ Forget Everything }

"Forget about finding love. Forget about finding happiness. Forget about finding peace with yourself. Forget about finding every flaw that you think people see. Forget about judging people. When you stop caring about always finding love, happiness, and peace with yourself, and just say I’m perfect the way i am and no one can change me is when everything you've ever wanted falls into place."

{ You Deserve To Be Happy }

"There will be one person out there that will make you happy. That will show you the way to the world. Some may be your enemies; some may be your friends. But when you listen to that person, it will be as if everything they say is noteworthy. That all their advice and stories they tell will make you stop and say I’ve got to listen. I've got to remember this, because one day, just one day along the road i know that i will need what they are saying."
Dreams don't always have to exist when the sun is down
your eyes are shut.

{ Hurt vs Love }

All the hurt in the world can be described in
many terms
Although only one word makes all the evil look
bright ~ LOVE

{ To All The People I Love }

I pray that you will never regret living life. I pray that you will always be you and no one else. I pray that you will stand up for yourself and for the ones you love. I pray that you will never ever think I have to lose weight to be pretty or for someone to love me. Love has no limits. Love will find everyone, and when you find love i hope it lasts for you. I hope you embrace it and never let go of it. Your weight does not define who you are as a person, it does not define how pretty you are, or how loving as a person you are. As long as you are Healthy, you are wonderful. You are an amazing person. Wonderful and loved. And you deserve to be told so.

The way you smile can brighten up any ones day. You have no flaws, you have no imperfections. I hope one day that you will realize how beautiful you really are. Being skinny doesn't make you pretty. What makes YOU pretty is your personality. I pray that you will soon realize that you are wonderful, you are loved, you are great, and you deserve more than anyone can give you. You will accomplish great things, it does not matter how old you are. You are worth it. You have a great purpose because if you had no purpose then Christ, your Father would not have made you.

I've learned that you fall in love with the one you never expected your self too. You fall for the one that has been there since you could remember. You fall for them because they've seen the harsh looking you. The you with the morning breath, the bad hairdays, and the you that looked as beautiful as life itself. You learn to love this person because you've had a whole life time to figure them out.
" If you're still single, it means that God's not
ready to share you yet."

{ Be A Believer }

I've had my ups and downs like anybody, but I'm a firm believer that a happy life stems from a positive perspective. Change your view of the world and the world changes with you.

Too many people look for disappointment around every corner, and they are always surprised when they find it! You have to approach life openly, prepared for the worst but hoping earnestly for the best. Look for love and happiness instead. If someone hurts you, don't dwell on it after the fact. Regardless of intentions, it is not important to you or your happiness. What other people think or say of you in the long term is completely outside of your control, so don't beat yourself up over it. You must have the strength and resolve to accept the pain, and move on.

Believe in yourself. Remember to be true to yourself and seek happiness with every breath. When you have found happiness, don't let others take it from you. Once you are happy, you can pass that positive energy on to others.

Remember you are in total control of your happiness. Use that power for good......and be happy.

When was the last time you looked at the world with the eyes of a child ?

{ Rooms I LOVE }

{ LOVE }

Perhaps it will seem to you that the sunshine is brighter and that everything has a new charm. At least, I believe this is always the result of a deep love, and it is a beautiful thing. And I believe people who think love prevents one from thinking clearly are wrong; for then one thinks very clearly and is more active than before. And love is something eternal--the aspect may change, but not the essence. There is the same difference in a person before and after he is in love as there is in an unlighted lamp and one that is burning. The lamp was there and it was a good lamp, but now it is shedding light too, and that is its real function. And love makes one calmer about many things, and in that way, one is more fit for one's work.
{Vincent van Gogh}

You are not alone. There is beauty all around you. You are part of that beauty.
If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

{ Letting Go }

To let go should be easy right ? I mean, because you think of letting go you think lighter, dropping something, moving forward. It should be easy to let go of things, but it isn't. It's easy to let them tag along, go with you while you move through your day.

Letting go creates space, space that you may not have realized you needed.
Letting go allows you to focus on people & things that matters
Letting go strengthens your commitment to take care of yourself, to love yourself & those around you.

When I let go of something I smiled & feel so happy. Because now I could devote that energy to people who cares for me, I could care for them, I could open my heart up even wider. And trust me an open heart feels amazing.

Remember to let go of something of someone is all about baby steps.

{ What Is Your Favourite Colour? }

Of all the colours in the rainbow, which one are you drawn to the most ?
Think by yourself why do you think that is ?

{ The Magic Bike }

It's been a rough day. Maybe you overslept, didn't get your coffee or tea, forgot your lunch at home. Maybe you burned your lunch on the stove, forgot to take out the trash, spilled cranberry juice on your new shirt.
Or maybe it hasn't been a rough day, maybe it's been the best of days. You woke up early & watched the sun rise in the sky, maybe you received an e-mail from that one person you love so much but keep missing, maybe you're wearing your favorite pair of shoes.
However it shakes down, this bike is still the same. It's a magical bike. You climb on it, start pedaling, so hard, you're going so fast, it feels like you have taken flight. The colors are blurring past you, everything is green & blue, random bits of brick red tossed in with all the houses you are
This is a magical bike that can take you anywhere.

{ What Is Happiness? }

Happiness is the only good.
The place to be happy is here.
The time to be happy is now.
The way to be happy is to make others so.

{ Enjoy Life More }

Learn how to express self-Love more often. It is easy to become overwhelmed with doing things for others and forget about the most important person in your life.....YOU!!!

Take the time to do nice things for yourself. It can be something small like rewarding yourself with a surprize ice cream or those pair of shoes you've been lusting after.

It can also be something simple like taking a long bath, getting a massage, or taking an afternoon nap.

Go on spoil yourself today!!!!!

{ Hope }

Hope is the dream of a soul awake

{ Giggle ~ Dance ~ Sing }

If your happy and know it, be Happy! Dance! Giggle! Sing a happy song! Give everyone you know hugs or high fives!
Give yourself permission to celebrate all of your happy moments. Even the small and silly things in your life are worth celebrating.

{ Be Positive }

Be Positive about things. This isn't always easy, but it really helps you to be an happy person. Put a positive spin on things that seems "gross". You can help someone feeling depressed by coming up with things for them to be positive about.

The best way to combat the blues is to turn off the sad music and let the sunshine into your life. So go on......put that spin into your life, it will be worth it in the end.

{ Get Organized }

Take some time to organize your belongings. Put all your pretty jewelry and keepsakes in a special place.

{ The Perfect Journal }

Start a Journal! Pick out a cute colourful Notebook and some "Spiffy" pens to record your dreams when you first wake up.

{ Sometimes }

Sometimes life is really hard, and people don't get it.
Sometimes we feel things and no one can see it.
Sometimes we have hard nights even when they're meant to be glamorous and fun.
Sometimes we kind of loose ourselves in whatever it is we're doing.
Sometimes we don't see life as beautifully as it should be seen.
Sometimes we feel alone, even if we're not.
Sometimes all we want to do is fall asleep but we can't.

The best thing though is waking up to a new day, and knowing these feelings will pass.

[ The Right Path }

We can never judge the lives of others, because each person knows only their own pain. It's one thing to feel that you are on the right path, but it's another to think yours is the only path.

{ You Are Beautiful }

It's easy to let those voices in the back of your mind tell you otherwise, but the hateful things you hear are not the truth. Treat yourself the way you would treat your best friend: With Love and Respect! shine like the beautiful star you are.

{ Just Believe }

Her life improved dramatically when she
decided to break the rules and find beauty
where she'd been told there was none.

{ You Time }

Make a cup of tea, grab a cupcake, bring your favourite magazine or book and go to your favourite quite spot.

A comfy windosill perhaps! Enjoy an afternoon of "You time."

{ Day Dreaming }

NEVER dismiss your daydreams! Dreaming while you are awake is a
wonderfully,creative and artistic experience.
Allow your imagination to run wild with a thousand ideas.
So start dreaming today.

{ Feeling Grumpy ? }

Sometimes the only way to get over a grumpy mood is to vent to someone.Just be careful who you vent to. Pick someone who cares about you and respect your confidence.
" I have found the paradox, that if you love
until it hurts, there can be no more hurt
only more love."
{ Mother Teresa }

"Our greatest power is the power to choose."

{ Today Is The Day }

No particular reason, no explanation, you just find yourself suddenly happy....without the need to question it.
Wanting to hug the whole world.....smiling to yourself and believing, really believing that maybe, just maybe people do get rewarded and somewhere, somehow you did good today and this is your reward.

{ Love Yourself }

I just want to constantly remind you to LOVE yourself, even when you feel like you aren't deserving any LOVE.
Even when you fall down and feel like you can't get back up.
Even if you look in the mirror and see only flaws.
LOVE yourself.

"The hunger for love is much
more difficult to remove than
the hunger for bread."

{ Flower Power }

Pick lots of colourful flowers on a lovely
afternoon. Walk and put them in vases
around your home. It will brightened
your day.

{ I Believe }

I believe in miracles.

I believe that tomorrow is another day.

I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

I believe in being strong when everything is going wrong.