{ Pain }

The truth is that sometimes the pain will always be there.
And eventually you'll just learn how to live with holes in your heart.

{ Thought Of The Day }

Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. 
Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.

{ The Future }

 I've been thinking a lot lately about the future. Where do I want to be in 5 years from now? Whats my next step? How do I get there?

I'm beginning to realize that it's okay not to have all the answers. I'll get to where I'm supposed to be eventually. I'll get to where I'm supposed to be eventually. 

For now..... I just want to take it one day at a time and be faithful in the small things.

{ Appreciation }


The one simple thing that i take time to appreciate each day is my plants. I love waking up each morning and seeing their beautiful green shades and new leaves spouting. It might not seem like much but it's one of those little things I love. 

But whether it's a growing plant, a beautiful sunset, the singing of the birds or anything else, it's so important that we take time to focus on and appreciate those details.

{ Listen To Your Body }

Are you feeling at some moments normal and cheerful and ready to be productive and other times, it's a struggle just to get out of bed or feel down and completely unmotivated? However how you feel right now, that's okay. You don't need to feel 100% productive and it's okay to slow down. 

If you feel ready to be productive, be productive. If you need to slow down, do that. Listen to you body and, to the extent you can adjust accordingly. 

{ Priorities }

 When you follow a morning routine, it sets your whole day up for success. When you don't, it then feels like you'll playing catch up all day and putting out fires rather than being productive. 

Open the blinds, stretch, make your bed, read, outline your priorities for the day. Those are just a few habits to practice every morning to help you start the day in the right place mentally and physically.

It's amazing how the first hour or two that we spend awake can dramatically influence how we feel and what we're able to accomplish throughout the day.

As much as we may try to deny it, we can't do everything. So it's important that we carefully consider what projects, events and opportunities we're saying yes to. 

We all have unique skills and abilities that we can use to accomplish incredible things, but as long as we stretch ourselves too thin we'll never reach our full potential.


{ Goals }

Setting goals and planning for the future and.... what you want it to look like is SO valuable. Without goals it's all to easy to wander aimlessly through life. Letting life happen to you instead of intentionally making decisions. 

{ Just Relax }

It never ceases to amaze me how just a few small things can completely changed your attitude and outlook for the day. So if you're feeling down, take a step back and do a quick reset. Light a candle, stretch, have a snack, go for a walk. Sometimes the little things can have the biggest impact.


{ Simple Luxuries }

Most of us work really hard to reach our goals, but sometimes struggle to feel rewarded once we get there. We feel that we find it easier to criticize ourselves rather than to recognize our achievements.

Make a basic goal for yourself this week, to enjoy the simple luxuries in life. Allow yourself to be present and mindful, while enjoying something small but pleasurable.


{ Fear }

Have you ever been afraid to jump out of your comfort zone? The fear of the unknown has prevented me from so many things. Every time I am going somewhere I don't fully or I don't really know what to expect. I tend to get very anxious.

I have decided to try not to let that fear rule over me. Even if I find it difficult to leave the safety and comfort of my own house, I will try to put myself up to know adventures.


{ It's Okay }

It's okay not to be okay. It's fine not to feel happy ALL the time, not to smile all day long. It's okay to recognize that sometimes we are not feeling good. It's okay to allow the feeling of sadness.... experience it and listen to it. 

Every time that I have felt sad, I have invited change into my life to try to overcome the feeling. Journal and write a lot, phone a friend or someone you can talk about what you feel. Allow yourself some time to rest, don't try to be super productive. 

I think we are trained, or we are tricked into believing that not having a good day it's a bad thing. But let me tell you that it is okay not to be okay.


Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most - Abraham Lincoln

{ Thought For The Day }

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything

Allow yourself to heal๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™

{ Little Steps }

An extraordinary life is all about daily, continuous improvements in the areas that matter most. 

I love this quote because it reminds me that little actions every day are meaningful. I feel that sometimes we expect major changes, and we get disappointed when we don't see immediate results. But maybe we are unable to realize that....each little step counts. This is a nice reminder that keeps me going.

{ Hal Elrod }


"Always remember that where you are is a result of who you were, but where you go depends entirely of who you choose to be, from this moment on." - Hal Elrod. 

This quote reminds me that everyday can be a fresh start. Don't be harsh on yourself, you are doing the best you can.

{ Anthony Robbins }

 "To make profound changes in your life, you need either inspiration or desperation." - Anthony Robbins. 

This quote somehow resonates with me. That is why I see bad periods or sad moments as trampolines. Whenever I "touch bottom" I feel I can jump back to the surface with more strength.

{ Slow Living }

 Slow living means to take the time to do things properly. Embrace every minute instead of counting them. Choose quality over quantity. I think we are all pro's at slow living when our mindset is right.

{ Nature }

Sometimes I can't get over the fact that nature is completely free.

{ Time }

I Don't want to cloud my life with material things. Life is to precious to have anything physically weigh me down. To have unnecessary things take away my time. I just want to float freely and carelessly.

{ Do What You Love }

No matter what anyone days, do something you love. Time spent doing what you love will never be wasted.


{ Living Minimal }

Recently embracing the "less is more"mantra. It's true that when we reduce the noise and distraction to the bare minimum, we can stop and pay attention to the details. I am now in a house full of my favorite things.

{ Day Dreaming }

Dreaming of a small little house by the ocean line, covered in vines and wild flowers. A small tree outside of the window from where I can hang a swing an a bird house where they can visit me in the mornings and afternoons. It's not a big dream, but it's all I need. This is my version of happiness.

{ Just Let Go }

 When we let go of expectations, life unveils something beyond our imagination

{ Happiness Is.....}

Don't forget to play under the sun, run as fast as you can, stop to smell the flowers, look up at the blue sky, dive into the ocean, fill your lungs with fresh air, love with all your heart. Remind yourself to slow down, accept life for what it is or it will slip through your fingers. These humble and simple moments are what makes life so beautiful and precious. Happiness is not a moving target, but must come from within.

{ Keep Dreaming }

While it's important to be present and live in the moment it is sometimes good to be a dreamer to. these dreams are what motivate you to keep going, through all the ups and downs.


{ Living The Dream }

 Sometimes it feels like I am living in a dream. Sometimes I am overpowered with the feeling of gratitude to witness this beauty of nature. It's moments like this that make me realize that happiness is not reaching a certain number/age, a certain destination or even about achieving great things..... But it's in every passing moment and sometimes we are too distracted to recognize it. Slow down today and feel the moments of happiness.

{ Relax }

Do something that helps you relax when you feel stressed. Spend time with the people you love, and don't be afraid to take a break if you need one.


{ New Beginnings }

Sometimes in the waves of change we find new directions. We can grieve or choose to embrace the change and find a new path. The choice is always ours.

{ Life }

This is the real secret of life - to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now and instead of calling it work, realize it is play.

{ The Joy Of Nature }

 This sunset is a reminder from mother nature to enjoy every little moment and never take anything for granted.

{ Minimalist }

 The meaning of minimalist is to know that we have everything we need and could ever want.

{ Find Joy }

Take a moment to pause and find more joy in the simple things like to breath, to look around you, to cuddle with your dogs, to taste your food, the feel of a warm blanket, to smell the wet grass and listening to all the wild birds.