{ Always Make Time }

No matter how busy you may think you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self chosen ignorance.

Clothes are inevitable, they are nothing less than the furniture of the mind made visible

If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water
If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change ~ Buddha

Let us be grateful to people who makes us happy; they are the charming gardeners who makes our souls blossom

{ Daisies }

See, the grass is full of stars;

Fallen in their brightness;

Hearts they have of shining gold;

Rays of shining whiteness.
We stand side by side in the moring light and looked out at the future together.

You are more important than you think

{ Goodness is it's own reward }

When we help others we are actually helping ourselves. The joy and happiness that love and compassion for others bring is one of the best kept secrets of humanity. The benefits are so enormous that you have to wonder why we don't practice such kindness more often.

Helping others always makes us feel good. Like they say: "Goodwill is the mightiest practical force in the universe."

It's not what I feel for you; it's what I don't feel for anyone but you.

Love doesn't need to be perfect, it just need to be true.
Everyone always tells me to listen to my heart, but what happens when even my heart doesn't know the answer ?

{ Opening Our Hearts }

When we open our hearts large enough to include ourselves and let go of our harsh judgements, something wonderful happens within. We flower and grow strong in this even - perfect love and acceptance. Our inner light burns brighter and we are amazed to see ourselves as special and unique, to see our true worth.

Loving you is easy because you're beautiful

{ You Are The Gardener Of Your Own Life }

Practice enjoying each step of your unique life unfolding. A gardener who loves his garden enjoys every stage of the process. The planting of the bulbs, the first shoots, the daily caring for the garden, and the eventual flowering and harvest.

So too we can learn to enjoy the process of growing and nuturing our life's adventure.

{ Positive vs Negative Energies }

Both the positive and negative energies we send out into the world roll back like snowballs, picking up size and speed as they return.

If we sow love, we reap love. If we sow hate, we reap hate. It's such a simple concept that so many people miss it's deeply profound meaning. We all have the freedom to choose what we'll reap or gain in our lives.

If we want to receive life's rich blessings, it's up to us to earn them. Remember: " Blessings don't come to us by "luck", it's the way we speak to others and the deeds we do to others".

Sometimes I ask myself "Am I living my life the way I want to or am I even living at all ?"

{ You Cannot....}

You cannot teach what you don't know.

You cannot give what you don't have.

You cannot forgive what you can't forget.

But you can love even if you're not being loved back

{ What Is Luck ? }

We're taught to believe that some people are simply born lucky, when in reality, that's just a convenient excuse to lean back and take it easy, rather than try to apply some control over our destiny. After all, if you aren't one of the "chosen" ones, what can you possibly do about it ? Quite a lot, actually. The fact is, more and more psychologists are finding out that it isn't the hand you're dealt that's important in life but how you play your cards. Let me put it in another way: We're all capable of making our own luck.

What appears to be luck is rally the result of perceptions, personality traits, choices and actions. All of that is within your control. People who consider themselves lucky actually tend to be - it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. That's because positive thinkers are always keeping their eyes peeled for fortunate situations and they're more likely to grab on them when they arise.

So instead of telling yourself: "There's not a chance in hell that's going to happen". Tell yourself: " That looks kind of cool, maybe I should check it out".

All that we are is the result of our thoughts ~ Buddha
Let your inner girl shine sometimes

{ Monday Blues }

It's amazing how many people begin their day - not with a sense of inspiration, but with disappointment, depression and even desperation. Their alarm clocks rings, and instead of jumping out of bed filled with thankfulness for another day of life, their thoughts drop into despair as they realize that their day is filled with tasks labeled with stickey coloured stickers "must do's", none of which are things that they love to do !

Last week I've read an article in the newspaper that many people feel so "gloomy" about getting up and facing their daily tasks and responsibilities that more people suffer heart attacks at seven o'clock on Monday mornings than at other times of the week. Can you believe it ?

The irony is that it's just as simple to fill your day with things you love to do as it to fill your day with things you must do or need to do. We sometimes forget that we have the power to create the life we love.

When we trust and follow our inner voice, we remember that each day is a gift, and we make a commitment to appreciate that gift by working towards what we love.

I believe that the more you do what you love and love what you do, the more fulfilling your entire life becomes.

{ This Is Wonderland }

{ The Perfect Girly Rooms }

{ A Girls Night Movie }

I was very pleasantly surprised by this movie. There are many charming moments, plenty of humor, and most refreshing. The lead players Jennifer Garner and Timothy Olyphant was also easy on the eyes and both give fine performanes. This movie was really worth watching.

{ The Real To-Do List }



Smile At Strangers

Keep Learning

Notice Kindness

Eat Candy


Count Your Blessings


Love Some More

You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however.

{ I Am Grateful Today }

I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a little girl playing on the seashore and entertaining myself in that moment and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than the ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.

To be grateful for health, life and love is like a sparkling star of light, like "that" perfect pebble in a stream, you just have to remind yourself everyday to count your blessings because they are all around you.

{ Blue Stands For Beauty }

"Sous-tasse" meaning "saucer"

Blue Rock A Roll Guitars

Wild Beauty

Blue Seas

"Lettres" meaning "Letters"

A Farm Gate

A Blue 66 Mustang

A church against a blue sky

Blue the colour of Serenity