{ Planning Ahead }

confession: i loooooove going to the grocery store. specifically the grocery stores that have lots of fresh, local produce. i don't know why, because i usually don't buy that much stuff, but i love looking at all the fun stuff there is to eat out there! like, love love LOVE. which usually wouldn't be a problem. except when your husband points out that you go to the grocery store almost every day.....secretly hinting that he'd rather not accompany you on your daily trips. it was all very diplomatic of him, and he was totally right!

the truth is......i've also gotten pretty lazy when it comes to planning our meals. which is a problem for 2 reasons: 1. i go to the grocery store every day [this "problem" is debatable], and 2. when i buy vegetables they go bad before i can even use them due to my lack of planning.

SO, wait for iiiiiiiit.......i decided to buy notepads for my grocery lists so that i would be more motivated to plan our dinners, only go to the grocery store once [or twice] a week, and actually be able to eat the vegetables that i buy!!!!!! we'll see if it helps, but even if it doesn't, i had way too much fun buying this little notepads!

moral of the story: eat your vegetables!