{ Clean Sheets }

Is there anything on earth as satisfying as slipping between newly laundered, crisp, clean sheets?
I like them to be pure cotton, if possible and by preference white with a white duvet cover, but I'm prepared to make an exception - maby soft pink.
Hotels have a knack of making sheets smoother and Crisper than you can at home - one of the special joys of staying in one, I find. They also have this duck pillow selection. But for me, pillows aren't as important as the smooth embrace of freshly laundered cotton.
{ Nee vir Bekommernis }

Min dinge in die lewe het so 'n negatiewe effek op jou bestaan as bekommernis. Jou fisieke reserwes word gedreineer en jy raak verward en uitgeput. Eenvoudige probleme lyk onoplosbaar en jy vind dit moeilik om logies en helder te dink. In sulke omstandighede het jy iemand nodig op wie jy kan vertrou en in wie jy kan glo om jou te help om hierdie probleem te oorwin.
As Christen is dit onnodig om verder te soek as Jesus Christus. Jesus nooi elkeen van ons om ons vertroue in Hom te plaas en jou nie te bekommer nie - want Hy is altyd en onder alle omstandighede by jou.
Baie mense bekommer hulle verniet om die eenvoudige rede dat hulle nie hul bekommernisse met Jesus wil deel nie. Daarvoor betaal hulle 'n dure prys. Hul bekommernis word net al hoe meer en dit knaag aan hulle lewe. Jesus nooi jou om al die bekommernisse by Hom neer te lĂȘ. Hy het jou lief en gee vir jou om; Hy wil aan jou vrede en gemoedsrus skenk.
{ Home Away From Home }
We had a wonderful time visiting East London but I really missed my home. I get homesick so easily, I know it's kind of lame.
The first thing I did when we got home was kiss Happy,Lady,Sokkies and Sha-Sha (our dogs).
I also had to unpack right away. I'm one of those people who has to unpack right after getting home from a trip.
East London I love you and we will see you again......soon.
{ Success vs Happiness }
{ Get Started }

“Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.” -Mark Victor Hansen
This quote really touched me because I am constantly thinking about the things that will make my life more happy or perfect. I always tell myself that I will start to be happy once my health is better or once I started exercise and get the body I want. But I'm starting to realize that life is happening right now. We have to make the best of what we have right now, and celebrate all the small victories in our lives.
{ Wees Geduldig }

Ek loop al van verlede week af met die prentjie van ons voortuin in my gedagtes. Vir my lyk dit op die oomblik soos ‘n woestynlandskap. Maar in my hart hoor ek die fluistering van God se stem wat my herinner oor Wintertyd, wagtyd, rustyd…..
Elke oggend as ek in my kar klim, kyk ek uit oor die mistroostige toneeltjie. Elke oggend kyk ek hoopvol of een of ander plantjie nie dalk al uit pure oorhastigheid vanself opgekom het nie.
Ons het sand gestrooi om die dreinering van die effe “amazon” grond minder te maak. Hier en daar beur ‘n grondbedekkertjie moedig voort.
Oor die naweek neem ek my voor om te gaan plantjies koop, maar ek kom nie daarby uit nie. “Dis nog nie tyd vir plant nie, wag net.” Hoor ek my hart sĂȘ. Maar ten spyte van dit wat ek voor my sien, leef daar ‘n onverklaarbare hoop in my hart. Ek weet, met die breek van elke nuwe dag kom die Lente al hoe nader.
Klaagliedere 3 “Deur die liefde van die Here het ons nie vergaan nie; daar is geen einde aan Sy ontferming nie, dit is elke more nuut. U trou is groot.”
Die Here is goed vir wie op Hom bly hoop, vir die mens wat na Sy wil vra; dit is goed om geduldig te wag op die hulp van die Here.
Die Here is goed vir wie op Hom bly hoop, vir die mens wat na Sy wil vra; dit is goed om geduldig te wag op die hulp van die Here.
Mag God jou en vir my die genade gee om stil op Hom te wag – al voel die Lente soms ver.
{ Wise Words }

* There are at least 2 people in this world you would die for and at least 15 people in this world you love in some way.
* The only reason that anyone would ever hate you, is because they want to be just like you.
* A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they do not like you.
* Every night someone thinks about you, you mean the world to someone.
* You are special and unique, someone you don't know loves you.
* When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
* When you think the world has turned it's back on you .... take another look.
* Always remember the compliments that you received, forget about the rude remarks.
* Always remember .... when life hands you a lemon always ask for sugar.
* Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are there.
* Happiness keeps you sweet, trails keep you strong, sorrow keep you human, life keeps you humble.
* Success keeps you glowing, but only friends keep you going.
{ A Special Person }
{ An Eye For Love }
{ You Are A Winner }

Not everything that you have to do to reach your goal is pleasant. Occasionally, you will encounter tasks that you dislike. People will let you down ........ things won't always go according to plan ........ you will become irritated, frustrated and may even feel like quitting.
Realise that you are not alone and that all these feelings have been experienced by everyone who has pursued a worthy goal. They are what make it all worthwhile in the end.
It is overcoming your natural desire to give up and go after something easier that results in your personal growth.
Remember that winners never quit and quitters never win. Long-term goals keep you from becoming frustrated by short-term failures and setbacks.
{ Be Thankful Today }
{ A Prayer From Mother Theresa }

'May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly
where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this
knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom tossing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.'
where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities
that are born of faith in yourself and others.
May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this
knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom tossing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us.'
{ Today Is The Day }

No particular reason, no explanation, you just find yourself suddenly happy....without the need to question it.
Wanting to hug the whole world ..... smiling to yourself and believing, really believing that maybe, just maybe people do get rewarded and somewhere, somhow you did good today and this is your reward.
{ Sometimes }

Sometimes life is really hard, and people don't get it.
Sometimes we feel things that no one can see.
Sometimes we have hard nights even when they're meant to be glamorous and fun.
Sometimes we kind of loose ourselves in whatever it is we're doing.
Sometimes we don't see life as beautifully as it should be seen.
Sometimes we feel alone, even if we're not.
Sometimes all we want to do is fall asleep, but we can't.
The best thing though is waking up to a new day, and knowing .......
These feelings will pass.
{ Whishing For Rain }

I don't know what it is, but sometimes I just crave cold weather. I miss the sound of raindrops outside, and the feel of crisp air on my face.
Like today for example. Sure, it started out cloudy, but I know it will clear up as the day goes on. I wish it would just start raining. That way, when I get home from work, I can just cuddle up on the couch with some hot chocolate and talking to my children.
{ Spring Time Is Here }

Although I was sad to see August go, I'm happy today because my favourite month has finally arrived ! It's SPRING and the weather is usually perfect.
It makes me want to take long walkes with my husband and children on the beach.
This month for me, included:
- rekindling my love for swimming in the ocean
- soaking up lots of sun
- warm nights outside with family
- ice cream cones
- taking lots of photos
- romantic films and good drinks
- relaxing on the couch
- soaking up lots of sun
- warm nights outside with family
- ice cream cones
- taking lots of photos
- romantic films and good drinks
- relaxing on the couch
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