{ A True Friend }
{ Life }
Love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't.
And believe that everything happens for a reason...
If you get a change - take it, if it change your life - let it
Nobody said that it would be easy....they just promised it would be worth it
[ Wees Lief Vir Jouself }

Daai refleksie wat jy in die oggend sien as jy voor die spieël staan, beïnvloed die tipe mens wat jy is en hoe jy lewe. Ongelukkig kyk jy met ’n subjektiewe oog na jouself en is jy meer geneig om jouself af te kraak en net die slegte raak te sien, maar wat jy nie besef nie, is dat jy uniek is. En dit is hier waar almal nou die woord “uniek” té ligtelik opvat. Weet jy wat dit beteken om uniek te wees?Sit bietjie agteroor en dink hieroor. Daar is niemand in hierdie wêreld wat soos jy is nie, niemand kan presies soos jy lyk nie, niemand kan soos jy optree nie en niemand kan ooit jou plek inneem nie. Hulle kan probeer, maar hulle sal nooit 100% soos jy wees nie. WOW! Is dit nie wonderlik nie?
Iets wat elke vrou altyd moet onthou is dat sy ’n belangrike rol het om te vervul en dat sy dit slegs kan doen as sy haarself liefhet. Sy moet dit wat sy kan verander aan haarself, verander, máár dit wat sy nie kan verander nie, met liefde aanvaar.
Onthou jy is Pragtig en Sensasioneel.
{ I Just Want To Be Yours }
the long drive, or the short walk, the last voice,
the random call, the laugh, the perfect kiss,
the comfort hug, your second half,
the sparkle in your eye, the everything you need,
just what you want.....I want to be yours.
{ Let The Sunshine In Today }

{ 'n Traan Vir Geluk }

Maar huil is nie net 'n manier om van spanning en opgekropte emosie ontslae te raak nie, dit help ook om jou liggaam gesond te hou.
Trane bevat minerale, hormone en proteïne, wat almal 'n belangrike rol in jou lyf speel. En wanneer die ekstra stowwe dan deur jou trane vrygestel word, werk dit vinniger en beter as voorheen.
So, moenie die gevoelens opkrop nie, dames, laat dit uitkom, sodat jy daarna weer met oorgawe kan lag en die lewe voluit kan geniet.
{ 'n Oomblik In Tyd }

{ Letting Go }
That we don't want to happen
But have to accept
Things we don't want to know
But have to learn
And people we can't live without
But have to let go
{ So Unreal }

The footage is unreal, even the photos above I can't comprehend the magnitude of what is happening in them. 9000+ are missing in just one village. It definitely puts things in perspective for me. This past weekend lives were forever changed.
So I'm dedicating this post to anyone who is struggling - whatever you're going through: don't loose hope.
{ The Yawning Koala }
{ Just Stay Positive }

Look for love and happiness instead. If someone hurts you, don't dwell on it after the fact. Regardless of intentions, it is not important to you or your happiness. What other people think or say of you in the long term is completely outside of your control, so don't beat yourself up over it.
You must have the strength and resolve to accept the pain, and move on.
{ Life }

Life changes every minute of every day. You lose friends. You gain friends. You realize your friend wasn’t ever really your friend, and that person you used to hate can make a really good friend.
You look for love. You find love. You lose love. You realize all long that you’ve been loved. You laugh. You cry. You laugh so hard that you cry.
You do this, you do that. You really wish you hadn’t done that. You then learn from that and are glad that you did.
You have your ups. You have your downs. You see good movies. You see bad movies. You wonder if your life is just one big movie.
You look at others and wish you were them. You then realize who they are and are glad that you’re you. You love life. You hate life.
In the end you just find yourself happy to be living life, no matter what’s thrown at you.
{ Do You Know Yourself ? }

It means knowing your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fears. It means knowing your likes and dislikes, your tolerances and limits. Knowing yourself well means knowing your purpose in life.
Remember you are not born knowing yourself. You do not get to know yourself simply by growing up and growing old. Knowing yourself is a conscious effort, you do it with intention and purpose.
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